The Lindley-Weldon-Bond Tree was last updated on 9 April 2024


In this part of the website, you'll find details for 7,564 people (with 1,747 different surnames) from the my own family, along with the ancestors of some selected close family who have been DNA-tested. These families all originate in England and Ireland (see the map below), though many have since spread throughout the world. A few of the people listed here also appear in either the Soper or the Robins sections, as the families overlap a little. But in any case, you can search for any surname or place in any - or all four - sections of the website, if you click on the Search (magnifying glass) icon, which you'll find in the top-left menu on every page. There is also a FAQ page, accessible by means of the Question Mark icon on the top menu of every page.


Please get in touch if you think you are related to anyone mentioned here. Just use the email link to the main researcher (or that for technical help with this website) that you'll find at the bottom of every page.

David Lindley

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OUTLINE FAMILY TREE (Lindley - Weldon - Bond lines)
Outline of Lindley Weldons Tree
Outline of Lindley Weldons Tree
  • Gradually adding exact locations (latitude/longitude) for churches, cemeteries & streets, so that the "Places" tab shows a meaningful map for more individuals.
  • Continuing to link people to their own entry (and to those of close their relatives where they're also listed) on the Find-A-Grave website.
  • Slowly adding details (and some new cousins) from the 1921 UK census and the 1950 US Federal census.
Added details of quite a few Belfast births & marriage details (dates & exact places, etc) from the Registry copies online at the NAI website
Added more descendents of...
  • Added more relatives of Jane Carrack (1817-1884) & Joseph Hutchinson, who now number 79 (plus 36 spouses), with new family surnames Biercamp, Caird, Firth, Green, Pickersgill, Schofield, Thomas, Towler, Wade, Walsh & White in the Leeds area.
  • Mary Carrack (b 1819) & William Sharp, who now number 58 (plus 28 spouses), with new family surnames Cunningham, Shotton & Simpson in the Leeds area.
  • Anne Carrack (1792-1862) & Jacob Naylor, who now number 125 (plus 45 spouses), with new family surnames Marsden & Bennett in the Horsforth area of Yorkshire.
  • Sarah Maylor (b 1810) & Henry Owens, who now number 66 (plus 34 spouses), with new surname Shennan in the Liverpool & Birkenhead areas. Includes Sir Alfred Ernest Shennan.
  • Mary Ann Maylor (1845-) & William Lacey, who now number 52 (plus 27 spouses), with new surnames Liggett & Shingler, in the Liverpool area.
  • William Nesbit (abt 1810) & Margaret Carlisle, who now number 59 (plus 25 spouses) in Northern Ireland.
Added a Story to John Alfred Bond (1878-1907) and his wife & daughter.
Added more descendants of...
Added more ancestors of Jacob Sims c1775-1867, with NEW 6x, 7x & 8x Great Grandparents of ours in Hampshire & Wiltshire, with new surnames Bunny, Thorne & Dore.
Added more descendants of..

At least 150 people in our extended Lindley-Weldon-Bond family are known to have had their DNA tested. If you have already been DNA tested, then please make sure that we know!

Why Bother?

Whilst our Family Tree may look big, it's far from complete, and some of the "Brick Walls" are not that very far back in time either (my own paternal Grandfather being one). That's often either because the records we need no longer exist, or because our ancestor had a very common name, and it's impossible to work out which of the "John Smiths" he was. DNA testing may be the only way to smash through these so-called "Brick Walls".

How Does it Work?

Keeping it simple, Autosomal DNA (the type most people get tested) is inherited half from your mother and half from your father. So it follows that you inherited about a quarter of your DNA from each Grandparent, and so on, back through the generations; and the same thing goes for all of your cousins; the ones you already know about and the ones you don't yet know about.

In essence, by looking at who-matches-who, we can figure out parts of our Family Tree that would otherwise be a mystery to us. And the more relatives that are tested, the easier it becomes to piece-together the rest of the story. Which is why I'm so keen to get as many of my cousins tested as I can!

What does DNA Testing involve?

It's really simple & easy. Depending on which company you test with, it involves either providing a sample of saliva in a small test tube or swabbing the inside of your cheek with a cotton bud (very similar to the COVID tests that've been quite common in recent times).

The main testing companies are,, & There are advantages & disadvantages of each, so if you want more information - without committing yourself to anything - just get in touch.